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If you are having any difficulty with booking online, please email the clinic and we’ll do our best to help. 


Cancellation Policy

Physio sessions

Reminder emails and / or SMS messages are sent as a courtesy, however the responsibility is yours to keep a record of any future sessions. If you wish to opt out of receiving email or SMS reminders or any other communications, you can email Digital Sports Physio to request this.

The cancellation policy is applied because if you do not show for your session or you cancel too late, then another patient will lose the opportunity to be seen. In order to keep your care on track, maintain productive schedules and give everyone an opportunity to be seen, Digital Sports Physio asks you to please provide at least 24 hours’ notice if you cannot make a session. If you give less than 24 hours’ notice or no communication of cancellation is received by the clinic in advance, then the session fee will be taken in full. 

If you wish to cancel a session you need to log into the booking portal and cancel it in 'My Appointments'. We regret that it is not possible to cancel a session via phone / voicemail / SMS / WhatsApp or email and will incur a full session fee unless it is also cancelled within the booking portal giving more than 24 hours' notice.

One-to-one rehab courses 

Digital Sports Physio provides one-to-one rehabilitation courses at a discounted per session price. The courses consist of six 30 minute sessions used over a maximum of 12 weeks. We regret that it’s not possible to provide refunds for any sessions not used within the 12 week period. If you cannot attend one of the sessions that make up your rehab course and want to change the date / time, you must give at least 24 hours notice by cancelling in the booking portal or the session will be automatically deducted from the course without credit. The course fee itself is non-refundable, however we will extend 6 month's credit to anyone who provides a note from their GP stating they’re unable to complete the course within 12 weeks for health reasons.


Payment Policy

As a member of the ISCP, physiotherapy provision with Lucie Hanaghan is recognised by all major health insurance providers. Insurance cover for online delivery of physiotherapy varies between providers - please check your individual cover before booking a session or course of sessions. Secure payments are made at time of booking to Digital Sports Physio using all major credit and debit cards through the established Stripe platform, in accordance with their terms and conditions. Any reimbursement, in accordance with the terms and conditions, is also made via Stripe. No credit or other payment card information is collected or held by Digital Sports Physio. Receipts will be issued automatically and appear when you log into the booking portal to allow for submission to your health insurance for reimbursement. If you don’t have health insurance you can apply for tax relief on the cost of your physio appointments using a MED 2 form which you can submit to the Revenue Commissioner at the end of each tax year.


Your Physio Session

Before your first session you will be sent an electronic registration form to complete containing questions regarding your contact details, general health and current injury / pain. It is necessary for you to make Digital Sports Physio aware of any factors that could affect your treatment plan, physiotherapy diagnosis or assessment. You will also be asked to record your consent to remote physiotherapy by video or phone call. If your details change or you return to Digital Sports Physio for another injury / pain in the future you may be asked to complete the electronic registration form again.

During your session, Digital Sports Physio will ask you some questions about your presenting complaint and will then ask to assess the problem area(s). In order to properly assess you, Digital Sports Physio may need to see the affected area. For an upper limb condition it is recommended that you wear a vest top on top of any underwear and for a lower limb condition a pair of shorts on top of underwear. In the event of a spinal condition it would be useful to wear a vest top and shorts over underwear. 

After your assessment, Digital Sports Physio will discuss their findings with you and propose a plan tailored to your own goals and timelines. 

No physical assessment or treatment will be carried out unless you have given your consent. This may be given verbally. Digital Sports Physio makes every effort to help you to fully understand their physiotherapy assessment, the recommended therapeutic advice, exercises and / or treatment that may be involved. Digital Sports Physio welcomes any queries that you may have on anything that you may be uncertain of, or if you simply require more information. In the event that it is necessary, Digital Sports Physio can send correspondence to your GP. 


Health And Safety

Digital Sports Physio sessions are offered to people aged 18 years and over only. People booking sessions with Digital Sports Physio are entirely responsible for ensuring their personal safety within their own environment including the quality / condition / safety of their own equipment during video and / or phone calls with Digital Sports Physio or otherwise. Digital Sports Physio takes no responsibility for any injury associated with a person's own equipment failure, trips, falls or any other injury in the person's own environment (including home, work, sports pitch, running track) during video and / or phone calls. Furthermore, it is the individual's responsibility to ensure their own privacy - both digitally and physically - during sessions and courses. Digital Sports Physio takes no responsibility for the individual's own environmental or equipment safety during independent exercise, including in the home / work / sports club  or running track. 

It is the individual's responsibility to communicate to Digital Sports Physio at the physio session or course session if there is a third party attending. It is the responsibility of the individual to ensure the safety of any other adult or child they have given permission to attend the physio session. 

Any recording of the physio session or course of any kind by either party must be agreed in advance by both the physiotherapist and the individual. Any pre-recorded exercise videos shared between physiotherapist and individual seeking physio advice are for the sole use of the individual and must not be shared by them with any third party whatsoever including any social media etc. 

There is always the possibility of physical injury and / or death when participating in any exercise or exercise programme. If you feel discomfort or pain, you should immediately stop the activity causing such discomfort or pain and contact your healthcare provider or an ambulance in the case of a medical emergency. By using the service provided by Digital Sports Physio, you represent that you have fully informed Digital Sports Physio of your medical history and any existing condition and have received their consent to participate (and continue to participate) in the courses and exercises available to you through the service.


Remote Physiotherapy

Digital Sports Physio provides physiotherapy remotely by video call (or phone where appropriate). Digital Sports Physio will be responsible for the cost of the call to you and the cost associated with the platform used to conduct the session. You are responsible for providing a quiet private space from which to attend the session as well as any costs associated with accessing this service, including the use of an appropriate device (i.e. smartphone, laptop, iPad or computer) with a camera, microphone and speakers and a reliable internet connection with sufficient data allowance.

The privacy of any form of communication via the internet is potentially vulnerable and limited by the security of the technology used. To support the security of your personal information Digital Sports Physio uses Power Diary which is GDPR compliant and has extensive online security and encryption. You can read more about Power Diary's Security Privacy and Compliance measures here.

A remote physio consultation may be subject to limitations such as an unstable network connection which may affect the quality of the session provided. In addition, there may be services for which a remote consultation is not appropriate or effective. Digital Sports Physio will consider and discuss with you the appropriateness of ongoing remote physio sessions. 


Website, Social Media And Third Party Websites Or Materials Accessed Via The Digital Sports Physio Website And / Or Digital Sports Physio Academy And / Or Social Media

Information published by Digital Sports Physio on its website and / or Digital Sports Physio Academy and / or social media is provided for the use of its visitors and you are advised that, although care has been taken to ensure technical and factual accuracy, some errors may occur. No guarantee is given of the accuracy or completeness of information on these pages. Please be aware that Digital Sports Physio may alter the information on its website and / or Digital Sports Physio Academy and / or social media sites from time to time without notice. Digital Sports Physio shall have no liability arising from the use by any part of the information on its website, Digital Sports Physio Academy or social media. Furthermore, all visitors to the Digital Sports Physio website, Digital Sports Physio Academy and associated social media release Digital Sports Physio, its owners, directors, managers and all employees of all liability regarding any injury to self or child and / or any loss or damage to personal property. Medical and / or physiotherapy advice should always be sought prior to beginning any exercise or rehabilitation. 

Digital Sports Physio does not warrant the information on its website, Digital Sports Physio Academy or social media in any way or the availability or content of any third party websites and material that you access through Digital Sports Physio’s website or Digital Sports Physio Academy and in particular no warranty is given that the website, Digital Sports Physio Academy,social media or their content or hypertext links are virus free or uncontaminated. You are advised to make your own virus checks and to implement your own precautions in this respect. Digital Sports Physio excludes all liability and is not responsible for any contamination or damage caused by any virus or electronic transmission or any loss or offense caused by or in connection with any content, advertising, products, services or information available on such websites or material. Any terms, conditions, warranties or representations associated with such dealings, are solely between you and the relevant provider of the third party service. 

Public forums and submissions

Digital Sports Physio is not responsible for any material submitted by you or any other user or third party to the public areas of its website, Digital Sports Physio Academy or social media platforms. Any material, whether submitted by you or any other user or third party, is not endorsed, reviewed or approved by Digital Sports Physio. Digital Sports Physio reserves the right to remove any material submitted or posted by you in the public areas without notice to you if it becomes aware and determines in its sole and absolute discretion that you are, or there is a likelihood that you may, including but not limited to-

  • Defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten or otherwise violate the rights of any other users or third parties;

  • Publish, post, distribute or disseminate any defamatory, obscene, violent, racist, homophobic, sexist or unlawful material or information;

  • Post or upload files that contain viruses, corrupted files or any other similar software or programmes that may damage the operation of Digital Sports Physio’s and / or any third party’s computer system and / or network;

  • Violate any copyright, trademark, other applicable Irish, European or International laws or intellectual property rights of Digital Sports Physio or any third party;

  • Submit contents containing marketing or promotional material which is intended to solicit business.

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